UK HPC Training courses

List of training courses on offer

UK HPC Training Providers

Links to not-for-profit providers of HPC training in the UK.

ARCHER2 Training The UK national supercomputing service, ARCHER2, provides large amounts of HPC training that is free for all UK academics. Courses cover a range of abilities from beginner to advanced and are run at a variety of locations around the UK.

Cirrus Training One of the EPSRC Tier-2 HPC facilities, Cirrus provides training that is free for all UK academics. Courses cover a range of abilities and include introductory courses on 'Message-passing programming with MPI' and 'Shared-memory programming with OpenMP' which are always available as self-service online courses, as well as online and face to face training.

Baskerville offers a mixture of online, hybrid and in-person training workshops for users from consortium partners at: The Alan Turing Institute, The Rosalind Franklin Institute, Diamond Light Source, The University of Birmingham and the EPSRC Access to HPC program. Open source training materials can be found on their GitHub page.

University of Bristol ACRC Training The Advanced Computing Research Centre (ACRC) at the University of Bristol runs a number of HPC training courses and the majority of their material is freely-available online for people to study remotely.

CUDA Programming (Mike Giles, Oxford) This is a 5-day hands-on course for students, postdocs, academics and others who want to learn how to develop applications to run on NVIDIA GPUs using the CUDA programming environment. All that is assumed is some proficiency with C and basic C++ programming. No prior experience with parallel computing is assumed.

Jade Events Training links to machine learning, Molecular Dynamics (MD) and related data science applications from various partners.

MMM Hub Training The Materials and Molecular Modelling Hub (MMM Hub) offer application specific training, free to attend as well as recorded. These are in the form of Software Spotlights, short sessions showing off the capabilities of a particular software package from a research perspective, as well as spending some time looking at exactly how the code can be run in practice. Videos from GPU training and links to other training resources are also included.

Bede at N8 CIR (formerly NICE) past events and online training.

Worldwide HPC Training Providers

Training may also be available to UK HPC users from other not-for-profit providers around the world.