HPC Documentation

This page provides links to documentation for UK national HPC facilities and other useful documentation - including a repository of compile instructions for various software on different HPC facilities and information on benchmarks and benchmarking data on UK national HPC facilities.

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UK national HPC facilties documentation

ARCHER2 UK National Supercomputing Service documentation Documentation on how to use the ARCHER2 UK National Supercomputing Service. Includes quick start guides, a detailed User and Best Practice Guide and information on research software, software libraries and tools available on the service.

Cirrus UK National Tier-2 HPC Service documentation Documentation on how to use the Cirrus UK National Tier-2 HPC Service. Includes a detailed User Guide and information on research software, software libraries and tools available on the service.

DiRAC HPC Services documentation Documentation on how to use the different services provided by DiRAC. Includes links to the user guides for Extreme Scaling, Memory Intensive and Data Intensive services as well as tips to get the most out of the different systems.

Sulis HPC Services documentation Documentation on how to use the different services provided by Sulis. Includes links to the user guides and contains information which should help users familiar with other HPC platforms to get started with Sulis and topics specific to the specialisation of the Sulis platform.

Isambard User Documentation Isambard is a HPC service provided by GW4 and the UK Met Office. The system is funded by EPSRC and is one of a number of Tier-2 HPC facilities in the UK. Includes links to registration, user guides and system details.

Bede at N8 CIR HPC Service documentation Documentation on how to use the Bede UK National Tier-2 HPC Service. Includes advice on how to obtain access, user guides, how to obtain support and information about the hardware and software available.

Baskerville Docs contains information on how to use the Baskerville Tier-2 HPC service. This includes information on how to obtain access, user guides for Baskerville and the Open OnDemand Baskerville Portal, and introductory training (Baskerville Basics).

Compiling HPC Applications

Information on compiling HPC applications is usually available as part of the standard application documentation. However, many HPC applications are complex and the specific instructions for different HPC platforms can differ from the standard instructions.

A number of resources are available with compile instructions for specific UK HPC facilities.

Compiling HPC Applications on UK facilities The HPC-UK community build repository provides compilation instructions for compiling many applications on UK HPC facilities hosted on GitHub. Contributions to this repository from the community are welcome.

Compiling HPC Applications on Thomas UCL provides compilation scripts for compiling many applications on the Thomas Tier-2 HPC service, a Lenovo HPC cluster running Linux with the Intel and GCC compilers; and Intel MPI and OpenMPI.

Benchmarks and Performance Data

The following links provide more information on benchmarks and performance data on UK HPC systems.

UK HPC Benchmarks Building on original work from the ARCHER CSE service, this repository contains a number of different HPC benchmarks that have been run on UK HPC facilities. The repository contains information on compiling and running the benchmarks, raw results from various facilities, analysis scripts and reports on the data.